CSED 499: Senior Research Projects (Spring 2017)
Course Description
In this course, students freely choose project topics and carry them out
independently at their designated research laboratories. The goal of the course
is to train students in formulating interesting problems, proposing and
synthesizing solutions to them, and evaluating and preparing written and oral
reports of the results. Developing (open) source software are also strongly recommended.
Students are also encouraged to submit their papers to paper
contests and technical conferences and journals.
Doyoung Lee (PIRL 422) : 279-5654, dylee90(at)postech.ac.kr
Monday, 7:00 p.m.- 9:00 p.m. (E2-102)
Course Evaluation:
- Project Proposal
(Out: Feb. 20, Due: Mar. 5 Midnight, submission through LMS) (Presentation: 7-11 p.m., March, 6, 7, 8)
- Requirements Analysis Document
(Out: Mar. 9, Due: Mar. 26 Midnight)
- High-level Design Document
(Out: Mar. 27, Due: Apr. 9 Midnight)
- Detail Design Document
(Out: Apr. 10, Due: Apr. 30 Midnight)
- Demo and Poster presentation (June 2, 10 a.m .- 2 p.m.)
- Final Document including Implementation Details
(Due: June 9 Midnight)
- Poster presentation to the CSE professors and students
- Demo and submitting final report
- Students who have taken the CSED499I before are required to submit thier previous proposals through LMS if they want to extend their early works.
- Late assignments may be handed in, but there will be a penalty of 20% of the mark for assignments turned in less than one day late, and an additional penalty of 10% for each day thereafter.
Dr. James Won-Ki Hong
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
Pohang University of Science and Technology
Pohang, Korea
Tel: +82 54 279 2244
Fax: +82 54 279 5663
Email: jwkhong at postech.ac.kr
Last modified: June 1, 2017
This page is maintained by J. W. Hong. If you
have any questions or suggestions, please send email to Prof. Hong.